02. 01. 2021
We wish you all a successful new year 2021.
In 2020, we delivered over 1150 tons of linings, we installed over 1550 tons of linings. Last year you can find our refractory footprints in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Poland, France, Austria, Netherland, Russia, Ghana, Vietnam, India and Iraq.
Thank you for cooperation in 2020 and we look forward to new chalenges in 2021.
Litovelská 553/26
779 00 Olomouc, Czech republic
IČ: 25397338, DIČ: CZ25397338
TEPLOTECHNA DIS Montáže s.r.o.
Litovelská 553/26
779 00 Olomouc, Czech republic
IČ: 17263701, DIČ: CZ17263701
T + 420 582 770 390—399
E teplotechnadis@teplotechnadis.cz